Solving the Mental Factors

The great breakthrough that opens the door to solving poverty is in finding out the true importance of the mental factors. It was clarified by investigating the question, “Why do some cultures remain in poverty while others prosper?” It should be said here that prosperity alone doesn’t promise a quality of life as there are wars and drugs and many other degradations that can lead a person or a nation onto a dark path. I could easily write a book into this study but here I will say that it was found that the people of an area create their lives and shape the world to match their thoughts and it is therefore the mental factors that are the primary factors of prosperity. The world then reflects the thoughts of the people. If they hate too much there will be war. If they believe in such a way as to submit to a dictator, then they will have a dictator. The trick then is to find those beliefs and agreements that build a better world and move away from those agreements that take one down the darker paths.

This program uses the book The Way to Happiness. It was written by L Ron Hubbard after studying the most successful societies and groups in the world and history and finding what agreements were the common denominators that were chiefly responsible for the creation of that prosperity. A study of moral codes found that the definition of a moral code is that group of agreements of proper conduct that is held by a group. The Way to Happiness is the moral code then that was held by the most successful nations and groups through history. The next part of the puzzle was to give clear and easily understood reasoning of each moral precept that tells why it is a good idea and agreement to have.

When The Way to Happiness was used as a training tool the results were nothing short of amazing. The villages, cities, and areas where this has been taught broadly prospered more and had less conflicts. The students started to work together to build this better world that they each envisioned but were unable previously to attain. When this training was done in prisons the fighting stopped and the return rate of released prisoners dropped below 10% rather than the common 70% in 3 years. If you find this hard to believe, join the crowd because no one expected this outcome until it was seen. The video below is from a program done in Tanzania, Africa. It was not done by Giselle but we are doing the same basic training that was done here and we have seen similar results as well.