Solving the Drug Problem

The problem with drugs is primarily ignorance. At first people tend to believe that there is no cost to getting drunk and high. The truth is that drugs diminish us even when we do it in small amounts and these small amounts have a high tendency to grow into large amounts and onto full addiction. Once you are addicted it is easy to see the high cost of drugs but then it is too late to stop easily. If there were no cost in this regard, we would probably all be shooting up heroin from time to time. Why not? I’m sure it is quite fun and if there were no penalty or negative connected to it then there is no big reason to avoid it.

Unfortunately, the cost of doing drugs and heavy alcohol is so heavy that it doesn’t just drag the person down into a dark place but if widespread then it drags the entire society down with them. That is why drugs need to be addressed by showing people the true cost of taking drugs and heavy alcohol.

This video is about the work that Giselle has done in Kenya but through Giselle this work has been also done in 6 countries in Eastern Africa as well.