About Us

Barry Paul founded Giselle Foundation at the beginning of 2017 with 9 volunteers.


Barry Paul

Barry Paul founded Giselle Foundation at the beginning of 2017 with 9 volunteers. Barry was raised in the slums of Kisumu, Kenya Africa but managed to go to college and after graduating came back to the slums to help others rise up to create a better life. In 2 years, Giselle grew to 247 volunteers across 6 countries and continued expanding at this rapid rate.
The group adopted highly effective programs that addressed the main problems preventing this rise up to a higher life. Drugs, for instance, are a horrible problem across Africa. These drugs are cheap and abundant, and the abuse is rampant. Drug free world offers the largest world-wide drug education program that is proven to diminish drug use considerably where applied. To date we have done over 250,000 children on a 2-hour drug education seminar.
We have also done classes using The Way to Happiness book which is delivered as a 16-hour seminar series to educates on the most important factors of rising up to a higher and more prosperous life. In this seminar are lessons like, “Be industrious”, “Be Competent” and treating others with respect and charity. This is a powerful tool to instill into the population the mental factors of responsibility and others that are the foundation of building a successful life and community. This has proven to be our most powerful tool to instill in the individuals and communities the values that bring greater prosperity through their own creation of production.

Slum cleanup activities are only one of the things that we see immediately occur with training on The Way to Happiness. To the Right we see community members and leaders and Giselle volunteers cleaning up the slum. The trainees learn to confront the barriers that must be overcome to create their own world on a higher level. We also commonly see communities decide spontaneously to take in orphans where the orphans traditionally fended for themselves from trashcans and sleeping on doorsteps. When someone changes their mental outlook for the better, we see many different problems disappear.
We also train on human rights and sanitation as well as the concept that the responsibility of obtaining a better life is their own responsibility. We have seen incredible results from these programs (watch the videos). A study done by the national organization for the government to solve the drug problem in Kenya (NACADA) found substantial diminishment of the drug problem where we have done our drug education. Villages that let their orphan children run unaided on the streets decided on their own to take the orphans in and care for them. Rivalries between tribes that have lasted for generations have disappeared overnight. School children’s grades are vastly improved and a hundred other points of improvement that come with increased responsibility and thinking through the problems related to better survival.

Our three-story office is in the middle of one of the largest slums in Kenya. We aren’t there from the outside to service the poor people with give-away programs. We are the people of the slums working together to create a better life. We grew to over 1,100 unpaid volunteers that work in communities across six countries of eastern Africa. As the people of the communities see that there is a way to improve conditions they join and work to educate and work side by side with the members of the communities to reason through how to rise up and prosper. Many of our volunteers have college degrees and come back to the slums to help improve conditions but what we see over and over is the people of the community deciding to live a better life on a much higher scale than ever before.

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